Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Taliban Have Captured The District Of 'Now Zad' In Afgahnistan's Helmand Province

Long War Journal: Taliban Raise Flag over Captured District in Helmand Province

The Afghan Taliban raised its white banner over military outposts after overrunning the district of Now Zad in Helmand province two weeks ago. Afghan officials have confirmed that Now Zad is under Taliban control.

The Taliban released a lengthy video of the fighting in the district, which occurred at the end of July. The video, entitled “Liberation of Now Zad,” was produced by Al Emera, the group’s media production arm, and published on Aug. 10 on its official Website, Voice of Jihad.

In the video, the Taliban are shown attacking and overrunning a hilltop base and occupying several military and police outposts, including a large base, in Now Zad. The video matches initial reports from both the Taliban and Afghan officials that Afghan soldiers and police abandoned the district center and police and military bases after heavy fighting. Days after taking Now Zad, the Taliban claimed that it killed more than 40 soldiers and police and this appears to be confirmed in the video. The bodies of dozens of dead soldiers are seen in different locations throughout the district.

WNU Editor: Even with their internal problems, the Taliban are clearly pushing their military forces to take and control territory.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Obama keeps racking up victories.

He should celebrate a triumph.

"Obama Afghanicus"