Friday, August 14, 2015

Top U.S. General: Russia Is Most Dangerous Threat Facing The U.S.

CNN: Top Army leader: Russia is "most dangerous" threat facing U.S.

Washington (CNN)The outgoing Army chief of staff said Wednesday that Russia posed the "most dangerous" threat facing the United States today, thanks to its "sophisticated" operations in Ukraine.

Gen. Raymond Odierno, who is leaving his post, estimated that only a third of U.S. brigades are capable of operating at the level of the hybrid warfare Russia is undertaking there. And he worries that Russia could next intervene in NATO allies like Latvia or Estonia.

"They are more mature than some other of our potential adversaries, and I think they have some stated intents that concern me in terms of how the Cold War ended," Odierno said of Russia when asked by CNN. "They have shown some significant capability in Ukraine to do operations that are fairly sophisticated, and so, for me, I think we should pay a lot of attention."

Update #1: Top US general: Russia is most dangerous threat -- The Hill
Update #2: Army chief of staff says Russia poses 'most dangerous military threat' to the U.S. -- UPI

WNU Editor: I disagree .... radical Islam is the "most dangerous threat" .... especially from groups like the Islamic State or Al Qaeda.


Unknown said...

wnu -agreement with you there as well and there usa along with saudis worsening with there backing of them ,training them ,paying them

Hamilcar Barca said...

Not if you live in East Europe !!!

Anonymous said...

I live in sweden and i love russia and like putin as well

B.Poster said...

With all due respect I think the general is looking at capability as opposed to current intent. With the largest and most advanced nuclear arsenal in the world, the world's best nuclear submarines, the world's best tanks, and the world's best trained and best led military forces Russia is the most capable country in the world at harming us and they seem to back many of those who are opposed to us. At least it is pleasing to see that at least some of the politicians in military uniforms are starting to get it even if they are not quite there yet.

The general admits that only a third of US military personnel are capable of carrying out the same type of war fighting operations the Russians are carrying out in Ukraine. Essentially the Russian military is demonstrating its vast superiority over anything America can currently muster or is likely to be able to muster in the short to mid term. This is not the first time Russia has shown its superior position relative to America. For example in the Russian-Georgia war of 2008, retired Col. Ralph Peters admitted that Russia was able to get its troops into position faster than the US could have.

In short, Russia is the most powerful country in the world and is going to be for a VERY, VERT long time. It's long past time American leadership recognized this and acted accordingly. The same applies to the leadership of other "western" countries as well. This does NOR necessarily mean we accede to any and all demands they might make but in order to solve any problem it is first necessary to recognize the precise nature of the problem. Ideology and wishful thinking gets us nowhere good.

Good places to start are probably as follows. 1.) loom for ways we can add value to Russia and its leadership. 2.)Make sure we and our interests are defended well enough to make an attack on us seem to costly for the Russians to contemplate it.