Thursday, August 27, 2015

Two Senior Iraqi Army Generals Killed In Islamic State Suicide Attack

Military vehicles transport the coffins of Maj.-Gen. Abdul Rahman Abu Ragheef and Brig. Gen. Safeen Abdel Majeed during their funeral, at the Iraqi defence ministry in Baghdad, Thursday. PHOTO: REUTERS

Wall Street Journal: Islamic Militants Kill Two Senior Iraqi Army Commanders

The attack occurred in Anbar, the largest Iraqi province and focal point of intense fighting.

BAGHDAD—Islamic State killed two senior Iraqi army commanders, officials and state media said Thursday, continuing the extremist group’s tactic of targeting military leaders to deplete morale among fighters.

A statement read on the Iraqi state-controlled Iraqiya television channel said Maj. Gen. Abdul Rahman Abu-Ragheef, deputy chief of operations in Anbar province, and Brig. Gen. Safeen Abdul Majeed, commander of an army division there, had been killed but didn’t say how they had died.

The provincial council of Anbar said the commanders had died in rocket fire but an army spokesman said they had been killed by a suicide bomber.

WNU Editor: This was either a lucky hit, or the Islamic State's "intelligence network" noticed an opportunity and took advantage of it.

More News On Two Senior Iraqi Army Generals Killed In An Islamic State Suicide Attack

Two senior Iraqi commanders killed in Ramadi attack claimed by IS -- Reuters
IS Car Bomb Kills 2 Iraqi Military Commanders -- VOA
Iraq conflict: Bomb kills two generals near Ramadi -- BBC
Iraqi army generals killed in ISIL suicide bombing -- Al Jazeera

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