Thursday, August 13, 2015

Ukraine On The Brink Of All Out War (Again)

Bloomberg: Ukraine Says Attacks on Troops Intensify as Unrest Worsens

Ukraine said pro-Russian militants intensified attacks on government troops overnight in a bid to win ground, a sign the recent surge in fighting is worsening.

Tensions in the 16-month conflict rose this week as the army reported renewed assaults on a village in the Donetsk region, an accusation the separatists deny. That prompted Ukraine to redeploy heavy artillery there that was removed under a February peace accord. The rebels, who control large swathes of the former Soviet republic’s easternmost regions, are trying to advance again toward the village, located near the port of Mariupol, military spokesman Andriy Lysenko said.

“The main reason for the escalation is that we see a standstill in the peace process,” Volodymyr Fesenko, head of the Penta research institute in Kiev, said by phone on Wednesday. “But I don’t think there’s a risk of a serious new conflict.”

WNU Editor: The country is broke economically, politically, as well as being split along Ukraine and Ukrainian-Russian lines. The frustrations that I hear from my family/friends/and associates in Ukraine are becoming more and more difficult to listen to .... and I am hearing it from both sides. No one is interested in peace, and it appears that everyone just want a resumption of the war.
More News on Ukraine.

More News On Ukraine

Ukraine and rebels accuse each other of ceasefire violations -- Euronews
Ukraine battles pro-Russian rebels for access to key port -- AFP
Ukraine: Cease-Fire Is Imperiled as Fighting Erupts-- NYT/Reuters
Ukraine surge in fighting violates ceasefire - EU -- BBC
Ukraine Reports Intense Battles Near Mariupol -- Radio Free Europe
Ukraine War On The Brink? Faltering Ceasefire And Increased Death Toll May See Return Of Banned Heavy Weapons -- IBTimes
Ukraine Returns Artillery to Front Line as OSCE Warns on Unrest -- Bloomberg
Caught red-handed: the Russian Major fighting in Ukraine -- Euronews
Russian Army major explains how he was sent to Ukraine to fight with separatists -- Business Insider
EU expresses great concern for 'escalating violence' in eastern Ukraine -- UPI
War in Ukraine is 'red hot' warns Defence Secretary Michael Fallon as he pledges more British military help to train troops fighting Russian-backed separatists -- Daily Mail
Ukraine goes head-to-head with creditors for last ditch deal -- Reuters
Meet Ukraine’s Women Warriors -- Daily Signal
Ukraine Debt Talks to Enter Second Day as Templeton Deal Elusive -- Bloomberg
Ukraine’s Cold War Gets Hot as Combat Explodes in the Last 24 Hours -- Daily Beast
Russia and Ukraine: Back on the Brink of War? -- Nikolas K. Gvosdev, National Interest
Is East Ukraine about to blow? -- L. Todd Wood, Washington Times

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