Thursday, August 6, 2015

U.N. Inspectors Denied Access To Iranian Nuclear Scientists

IAEA image

Wall Street Journal: Inspectors So Far Denied Access to Iran’s Scientists

Stance complicates the International Atomic Energy Agency’s probe into suspected nuclear-military program

WASHINGTON—Iran so far has refused to allow United Nations inspectors to interview key scientists and military officers to investigate allegations that Tehran maintained a covert nuclear-weapons program, the head of the U.N.’s nuclear watchdog said in an interview Wednesday.

Iran’s stance complicates the International Atomic Energy Agency’s probe into Tehran’s suspected nuclear-military program—a study that is slated to be completed by mid-December, as required by the landmark nuclear agreement forged between world powers and Iran on July 14 in Vienna.

The IAEA and its director-general, Yukiya Amano, have been trying for more than five years to debrief Mohsen Fakhrizadeh-Mahabadi, an Iranian military officer the U.S., Israel and IAEA suspect oversaw weaponization work in Tehran until at least 2003.

WNU Editor: A sign of things to come.


Jay Farquharson said...

WNU Editor,

Actually, a sign of the past.

Every Iranian Nuclear Scientist interviewed by the IAEA, has wound up the victim of a Baleuch car bomb, a shadowy motorcycle hit team, or a strange "accident".

It was a key position of the Iranians during the negotiations, and one the U.S. Caved on.

Unknown said...

Jay correlation is not causation.

The IAEA identified the top scientist.

Maybe others identified the top scientists independently.

Jay Farquharson said...


It's been an "open" secret since 1991 that UNSC and other "Observer" and "Inspector" programs have been thoroughly compromised.

It goes back even further. The "neutral" Canadian Observer Mission to Vietnam back in the late 50's, was under orders to ignore Diem Regime and USMMV violations of the ceasefire and only report on VM violations, even make some up if needed.

Unknown said...

There is more than 1 way to get intel.