Friday, August 14, 2015

U.S. Officials Suspect That Islamic State Militants Are Now Starting To Use Chemical Weapons

Wall Street Journal: Islamic State Suspected of Using Chemical Weapon, U.S. Says

Militants likely used mustard agent on Kurdish forces in Iraq, officials say

WASHINGTON—Islamic State militants likely used mustard agent against Kurdish forces in Iraq this week, senior U.S. officials said Thursday, in the first indication the militant group has obtained banned chemicals.

The officials said Islamic State could have obtained the mustard agent in Syria, whose government admitted to having large quantities in 2013 when it agreed to give up its chemical-weapons arsenal.

The use of mustard agent would mark an upgrade in Islamic State’s battlefield capabilities, and a worrisome one given U.S. intelligence fears about hidden caches of chemical weapons in Syria, where Islamic State controls wide swaths of territory.

More News On Reports That The Islamic State Used Chemical Weapons Against Kurdish Forces In Northern Iraq

U.S. believes Islamic State likely used mustard agent in Iraq attack: WSJ -- Reuters
IS suspected of chemical arms attack on Kurds in Iraq -- BBC
US investigating whether Islamic State used chemical weapons -- AP
U.S. investigating 'credible' reports that ISIS used chemical weapons -- CNN
'Credible' That ISIS Used Chemical Agent Against Kurdish Fighters -- ABC News
US officials investigating if ISIS used chemical weapons against Kurdish forces in Iraq -- FOX News
U.S. investigating if ISIS used chemical arms -- Al Arabiya
US investigating whether ISIL used chemical weapons -- Al Jazeera

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