Wednesday, August 12, 2015

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry: Chinese, Russians 'Very Likely' Reading My Emails

CBS: John Kerry: It's "very likely" Russia and China are reading my emails

NEW YORK -- Secretary of State John Kerry says "it is very likely" that China and Russia are reading his emails.

Kerry's remark was in response to a question by "CBS Evening News" anchor Scott Pelley during a wide-ranging interview that aired Tuesday evening.

"It is very likely. It is not ... outside the realm of possibility and we know they have attacked a number of American interests over the course of the last few days," said Kerry. "It's very possible ... and I certainly write things with that awareness."

More News On U.S. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry  Admitting That The Chinese And The Russians Are 'Very Likely' Reading His Emails

Kerry: 'Very likely' China, Russia read my emails -- CNN
I know you're reading my email, John Kerry tells Russia and China -- Politico
John Kerry: Russia and China Likely Read My Emails -- WSJ
Kerry: Russia, China ‘very likely’ reading my emails -- The Hill
John Kerry Says It’s ‘Very Likely’ Russia and China Reads His Email -- Time
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry Believes China and Russia Read his Emails -- China Topix

1 comment:

Unknown said...


English is not you 1t language, but please put in punctuation.

James Joyce you are not. For some reason English teachers make exceptions for him. But you are not him so...