Thursday, August 6, 2015

Yemen War News Updates -- August 6, 2015

VOA: Saudis Reinforce Troops Battling Yemen Houthi Rebels

Saudi Arabia is boosting its efforts to defeat Iranian-backed Houthi insurgents in war-torn Yemen, sending in more heavy weaponry and troops in recent days.

One Yemeni military source told the French news agency that Riyadh has sent in dozens of tanks, armored vehicles and personnel carriers during the past 48 hours via Wadia, a border post in northern Yemen.

Several days ago, 2,800 Arab coalition troops landed in Yemen. Most were Saudi forces - special-operations, intelligence and logistics personnel - along troop units from the United Arab Emirates.

Yemen War News Updates -- August 6, 2015

Coalition Forces Reportedly Push Toward Sanaa -- Stratfor
Military reinforcements enter Yemen from Saudi Arabia -- AFP
Shell kills Saudi soldier on Yemen border -- Al Arabiya/AFP
Yemen officials: Al-Qaida captures 3 towns as troops battle Shiite rebels -- AP
Aden gets first civil flight in four months -- Al Arabiya/Reuters
MSF doctor tells of ‘horror after horror’ in Yemen -- France 24
American Weapons and Support Are Fueling a Bloody Air War in Yemen -- Bryan Schatz, Mother Jones

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