Monday, September 7, 2015

America`s Most Expensive Nuclear Weapon

B61 bomb in various stages of assembly. The nuclear component is contained in the small, silver cylinder near the upper middle. Wikipedia

Mother Jones: Inside the Most Expensive Nuclear Bomb Ever Made

Could America's latest atomic weapon ignite a new arms race?

Engineers at the United States' nuclear weapons lab in Albuquerque, New Mexico, have spent the past few years designing and testing the B61-12, a high-tech addition to our nation's atomic arsenal. Unlike the free-fall gravity bombs it will replace, the B61-12 is a guided nuclear bomb. A new tail kit assembly, made by Boeing, enables the bomb to hit targets far more precisely than its predecessors.

Using "Dial-a-yield" technology, the bomb's explosive force can be adjusted before launch from a high of 50,000 tons of TNT equivalent to a low of 300 tons—that's 98 percent smaller than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima 70 years ago

WNU Editor: These bombs are not cheap .... about $300 - $400 million per nuclear warhead ... the delivery system is extra.

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