Friday, September 11, 2015

College Students Blame Bush For Why America Was Attacked On 9/11

Daily Caller: VIDEO: College Students Blame Bush, ‘Economics’ For 9/11 [VIDEO]

A new video released for Friday’s anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks shows that numerous college students appear to have an incredibly poor grasp of why 9/11 happened. The video, created by the conservative group Young America’s Foundation (YAF) and filmed at Virginia’s George Mason University, shows students expressing total confusion after being asked the question “Why was America attacked on 9/11?”

WNU Editor: I do not know how the above video was done, but I did the same test on two high school and two university students that I know .... and they also had no idea on why America was attacked on 9/11.

Sighhh .... on days like this I cannot help but feel that America is doomed.


CatholicDragoon said...

I've felt the same way for around six years now, and I'm 24.

Also it's stuff just like this that makes me question the whole concept of Democracy and Equality.

B.Poster said...

I must say I am surprised by the number who said "they don't know." I think they had to do allot of editing to find people who "don't know."

Some of the interviewees mentioned things like us "being in their space", "interventionist foreign policy", and "economic." These are all the conventional wisdom on why we were attacked. That and support for Israel, specifically military bases in Saudi Arabia, and oppression of Arabs which were not mentioned are the conventional wisdom. This is how about 99.99% of Americans would likely answer this question.

The reality is likely much more complicated. Since most adhere to such one sided views and perhaps we now have a whole group who "doesn't know" I can see why you feel America is doomed. I must say I sometimes feel the same way.

If the conventional wisdom is right and the students who blamed 911 on "interventionist foreign policy" and things like us "being in their space" are right, then this means we are on the right track and America is not doomed!! We should be seeing less intervention on the part of the US. Having achieved a "face saving" exit with the "surge" in Iraq Americans have ZERO appetite to go back in as they should.

In fact, if the Presidential election were held today and all candidates got on the ballot, the "Socialist" Bernie Sanders would probably win. While I do not agree with the socialist model to structure an economy and I CANNOT condone the typical socialist anti-Israel positions, their non interventionist foreign policy is appealing to me as it is to most Americans.

The religious aspect of the enemy seems to be discounted. If Sun Tzu is to be believed as I believe he is to be believed, in order to defeat an enemy one needs to know themselves and to know the enemy. To ignore the religious aspect of this adversary does not give us the complete picture. As for ourselves, the American military is so worn down from continuing operations around the world that even basic national defense is going to be problematic. As such, actually engaging ISIS, Russia, China, Iran, and the like on the battlefield is almost an impossibility right now.

Frankly if these adversaries chose tomorrow 9/12 to launch an invasion of the American mainland which would take some planning there's little doubt they'd win. It may be a little more costly than they'd like at this point. As such, it probably won't happen tomorrow.

I suppose I'm a little confused about the nature of your post and speculating that America is "doomed." If it's less foreign interventions you think is needed, then it seems America is headed in the right direction. With that said we need to extricate ourselves from Ukraine as soon as possible by whatever means are necessary but we are clearly headed in this direction of less foreign involvement. Do you think America needs more foreign involvement? If so, our capabilities are very, very limited at this point so if this is what is needed perhaps our "allies" in Western Europe, Australia, Canada, and others can step up and carry some of the slack. After all this is what friends do. When one friend is spent and can go no further they step up to carry the load for awhile until their friend can regain their strength.