Sunday, September 6, 2015

Connecting The Dots That Exposes Russia`s Military Involvement In Syria

Michael Weiss, Daily Beast: Exposing Russia’s Secret Army in Syria

Some wear uniforms, some don’t, but from highway checkpoints to jet fighters, Russians are being spotted all over the Assad dictatorship’s heartland.

Russian military officers are now in Damascus and meeting regularly with Iranian and Syrian counterparts, according to a source with close contacts in the Bashar al-Assad regime. “They’re out in restaurants and cafes with other high officials in the Syrian Army,” the source told The Daily Beast, “mainly concentrated in Yaafour and Sabboura, areas that are close to each other, and in west Mezze,” referring to a district in the capital where Assad’s praetorian Fourth Armored Division keeps an important airbase. “The Russians aren’t in uniform, but they’re constantly hanging out with officers from the Syrian Army’s central command.”

Other Syrians claim to have seen Russians in uniform.

WNU Editor: The only question that remains unanswered is .... how big of an involvement is Russia committing to. What`s my guess .... air support and air strikes, special forces embeded with Syrian forces, support for Hezbollah and Iranian ground forces in Syria. In short .... a few thousand Russian soldiers who will plan, coordinate, and act in cooperation with Syrian military forces.


James said...

Again I ask, for such a risky move (and it is a very risky move) what could be a pay off large enough to justify all of this? If it is only to help his ally Assad and by extension Iran Putin must surely realize that as soon as Iran feels strong enough they will turn on him. Is having a Med seaport (Tartus) in your hands worth being beholden to Turkey for safe air and sea transit? As for as the "little green men" gambit, this is not the Ukraine. And what is Israel's part in this, they have been unusually quiet. I realize all the historical background of Syria, the Mideast, and Russia, but this is still very baffling.

Ps. Also there has not been a peep out of China who has been very active in this area lately.

Philip said...

It is a risky move, but not because of Iran. There is a power void in the Middle East; I suspect Russia will ensure that it and its fellow players can eat out of the same bowl without tipping it over.

War News Updates Editor said...

James ... on Russian social media there is no appetite to get involved in the Syrian mess.

In regards to China .... I suspect that they are relieved that they are not involved in this mess .... but they are biding their time to see where this will all end up.

B.Poster said...

Vladimir must know what he's doing. I haven't seen him make a mistake yet. I am wondering why now. The Russians could have easily entered this on this level four years ago or so and easily saved Bashar Assad and whatever other interests they may have have/had in Syria. Now its going to be much harder. In any event, for better or worse, with the Russians involved directly any ambitions anyone may have had of removing Assad while previously a long shot are now over.