Sunday, September 6, 2015

Rich Arab States Are Not Accepting Syrian Refugees

Reuters: In rich Gulf Arab states, some feel shamed by refugee response

When Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, fellow Gulf states raced to shelter thousands of displaced Kuwaitis. Fast forward 25 years, and the homeless from Syria's nearby war have found scant refuge in the Arab world's richest states.

For critics of the Gulf's affluent monarchies the contrast is profoundly unflattering, especially as several are backers of the combatants in Syria's conflict, so must, they argue, shoulder a special responsibility for its consequences.

The wrenching image of a Syrian Kurdish refugee boy drowned on a Turkish beach has stoked debate in Europe. The official silence of Gulf Arab dynasties makes many Gulf citizens uneasy.

Previous Post: The Arab World’s Wealthiest Nations Are Not Welcoming Syria’s Refugees

WNU Editor: Fears of terrorism, social and political instability, economic dislocation, etc. .... these countries have made it very clear .... because of these reasons (and more that I have not bothered to list) .... they do not want these refugees coming to their country.

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