Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The New Cold War Is Digital

Heather M. Roff, Slate: The New Cold War Is Going Digital

And that’s a problem, because deterrence doesn’t work when it comes to cyberattacks.

Sometimes we forget about the 40-odd–year Cold War between the former Soviet Union and the West. We forget about the espionage, sabotage (on both sides), the covert and proxy wars, and even the overt arms race. Since 1991 a sort of public indifference to Russia’s antics has developed, despite its nuclear saber rattling, its annexation of Crimea, and its ongoing provocative posture. Sure, the United States and the European Union sanction Russia for its actions in Ukraine, but there is little public outcry. Sure, the incoming chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff tells Congress that Russia is the “greatest” threat to the U.S., but no one really seems to believe it.

WNU Editor: This analysis is correct .... when it comes to cyberwarfare .... there is no deterrence .... hence its constant use .... for now.

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