Monday, September 7, 2015

This Is What Soldiers Want In Their Care Packages

Ranker: What Soldiers Really Want in Their Care Packages

How do you know what a soldier really wants in a care package? If you're not in the position to ask the recipient what they need, use this list of care package ideas for soldiers to help you figure it out. You should ask yourself a couple questions before putting the box together: Where is the soldier stationed? How long with she/he be there? What would you want to receive if you were trapped in a remote space without access to all your favorite things? And most importantly, what can you send a soldier that will boost their morale?

WNU Editor: I can understand having anything from your kids is important, but pictures of loved ones is at the bottom of the list?

Update: We Are The Mighty has the ame post, but it is more up to date. The link is here.

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