Sunday, September 20, 2015

This Russian Rocket Launcher Can Incinerate 8 City Blocks

Popular Mechanics: This Russian Tank-Mounted Rocket Launcher Can Incinerate 8 City Blocks

The pure fury of the TOS-1A Heavy Flamethrower System.

When the Soviets were thinking about landwar in the late 1970s, they struck upon idea: How about strapping as many rockets as possible to a T-72 tank chassis, and using it on the battlefield? Thus, the TOS-1 Heavy Flamethrower System was conceived.

If you're confused by the "flamethrower" bit in that designation, it's understandable. The TOS-1 (and its more modern variant, the TOS-1A) look nothing like traditional flamethrowers, either handheld or tank-mounted, used in World War II and other conflicts. Instead, the TOS-1 is designated a flamethrower because, in addition to traditional incendiary rockets, it can also fire thermobaric rockets.

WNU Editor: This weapon system will be extremely effective in a war zone like Syria.


efFlh43 said...

This is not really a new weapon system, and as the article above point out it was already used by Iraq in the fight against IS, during the operation to recapture Tikrit. It's expectd that such vehicles will be sent to Syria, however I not yet seen any sight of that. Yes this weapon is powerfull, and effective in destruction, but there are more important, and more usefull weapons that SAA and NDF need now. In this week there were some reports about very effective, precise, new weapons and vehicles were sent to Syria by Russia, but so far only the BTR-82, an other BTR variant (type of communication vehicle), and Su-27/30 are new in this conflict, the rest of the weapons were already fought in this war in some way. Soon we will see what else Russia are about to bring to the table.

For those who missed this related report:

War News Updates Editor said...

Thank you for the link mlacix

RRH said...

And a little more on that BTR comms variant.

Incidentally, I once saw a BTR set its sights on a Islamo fascist infested wadi.

The result was very impressive - as I am sure it will be in Syria.

War News Updates Editor said...

Thank you for the link RRH.