Monday, September 7, 2015

Two U.S. Veterans Describe What It Was Like To Fight Alongside The Kurds Against The Islamic State

YPG fighters stand with their weapons in Tel Hamis in the Hasaka countryside of Syria. Reuters

Jeremy Bender, Business Insider: 2 US veterans traveled to Syria to fight alongside the Kurds against ISIS — here's what it was like

As the battle against ISIS continues to rage, the various Kurdish militia groups have proven to be the most effective ground force at stemming the militant tide.

Seeking to turn back the jihadists, a small but growing number of US veterans have traveled to Iraq and Syria to join the fight, The Wall Street Journal reports.

Two US veterans that The Journal identified who fought in Syria and returned are former Army Ranger Bruce Windorski and Marine combat veteran Jamie Lane.

WNU Editor: Bottom line .... it is not what you think.

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