Friday, September 25, 2015

U.S. Air Force Pilots Are Told To Praise The F-35

Air Force F-35s fly in formation over Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. Photo: Air Force

David Axe, War Is Boring: U.S. Air Force Requires Airmen to Praise Troubled Stealth Fighter

Public affairs guidance demands F-35 plaudits.

In an eight-page document marked “not for public release,” the U.S. Air Force commands its airmen to say positive things about Lockheed Martin’s problem-prone F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

“Articulate the capabilities of the aircraft and explain it is a capability warfighters must have (explain why we need the F-35),” the self-described public affairs “guidance” demands.

The document is circulating at a critical time for the 20-year, $400-billion effort to develop and build as many as 2,400 F-35s for the Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps plus hundreds more for foreign air arms.

WNU Editor: With this public affairs document public .... how can one now trust what pilots and Air Force personnel are saying when it comes to the F-35 program.

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