Monday, October 5, 2015

A U.S. AC-130 Gunship Was Responsible For The Kunduz Hospital Attack

AC-130 Gunship. YouTube

David Axe, Daily Beast: The U.S. Gunship that Slaughtered Doctors and Patients in Kunduz

The crews of the AC-130, a low, slow plane bristling with guns, don’t have to follow the same rules as those in other U.S. warplanes

The American warplane that apparently struck a Doctors Without Borders clinic in the embattled city of Kunduz in northern Afghanistan on October 3, killing 22 people, was probably an AC-130 gunship — a lumbering, four-engine transport modified to carry a powerful arsenal of side-firing guns.

Maybe the gunship’s crew knew exactly where the clinic was in Kunduz, maybe it didn’t. Maybe there were Taliban fighters nearby, maybe there weren’t.

Regardless, the AC-130 blasted the vicinity of the clinic for more than an hour, repeatedly striking the medical facility. And the U.S. military’s lax rules allowed it to happen.

UpdateU.S. Changes Story on Deadly Kunduz Strike -- US News and World Report

WNU Editor: I cannot help but feel that if President Bush was still President .... and this horrifying bombing of a hospital filled with innocent patients and doctors happened under his watch .... the press would be covering it non-stop .... Abu-Gharib times a 100. Instead .... the press is covering it like this .... Barack Obama promises full probe into suspected US airstrike on Kunduz hospital (The Guardian) .... condolences and a promise for a full investigation. Sighhh .... this is a text book example on U.S. media bias.

Update #2: Glenn Greenwald comments on how the media is covering this tragedy .... CNN and the NYT Are Deliberately Obscuring Who Perpetrated the Afghan Hospital Attack (Glenn Greenwald, Intercept).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Likely to cause the Israel haters to froth at the mouth - does not take much anyway..
However, the point made clearly highlights the hypocritical treatment of Israel