Sunday, October 4, 2015

Are U.S. Priorities Misplaced?

WNU Editor: As the world burns is this the priority in Washington? .... Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, in Dueling Speeches, Focus on Transgender Rights (NYT). Sighhh ... These news stories are being played all around the world .... and take it from what I am hearing .... the rest of the world thinks the U.S. has lost its mind.


TWN said...

Ada really sad.

Philip said...

It is the priority in Washington. Mr. Obama and his camp's objective is, and has been, to forge a post-presidential political machine. That's where the money and power will be, and who the Democratic party (willingly or unwillingly) follows.

Everything said and done is to advance that goal. Retain and reinforce the current "progressive" voter base. Cultivate the potentials. Line up more donors, and convince the waverers that your machine is the one they better be donating to.

Everything that doesn't advance that goal gets ignored, or dismissed out of hand, or trash-talked, or neutralized one way or another, or gets the let's-throw-on-a-cloth-place-a-vase-and-call-it-a-table treatment.

It's hurting the Clintons and their camp. Hence the "me too" scene.

Sorry about the rest of the world, but you don't vote in the U.S. Yet. Feel free to send donations, though.

James said...

You are exactly right.