Monday, October 5, 2015

Germany Doubles The Number Of Expected Migrants This Year To 1.5 Millon

© Michaela Rehle / Reuters

Politico: Germany now expects 1.5 million refugees in 2015

Berlin’s welcoming approach has cooled in the face of rapidly rising numbers.

Germany authorities expect as many as 1.5 million refugees to arrive in the country this year, or nearly double the last official estimate, Bild newspaper reported.

Citing a classified government report, the newspaper said officials are concerned that Germany’s infrastructure for dealing with the refugees could collapse, as many communities have already reached their limits. The government in Berlin didn’t immediately comment on the report.

If accurate, the news will further inflame Germany’s increasingly emotional debate over the influx of refugees from Syria and other troubled countries in the region.

WNU Editor: Since the start of this crisis this blog has been very blunt that the German government had grossly underestimated the number of refugees that were going to try and get into Germany. That German Chancellor Merkel's open door policy would only encourage (which it has) the biggest migration of people since the Second World War, and unless the borders are closed Germany would be literally facing (in the next two years) tens of millions of migrants. This 1.5 million number .... of which most of them are men between the ages of 18 - 35 .... is an admission that Germany has no idea on what it is about to face.

More News On Reports That Germany Doubled The Expected Number Of Expected Migrants This Year To 1.5 Million

Report: Up to 1.5 million refugee arrivals in 2015 -- The Local
Germany faces 1.5 million asylum claims this year - report -- BBC
Migrant Crisis: Asylum seekers in Germany could touch 1.5 million mark -- IBTimes
German finance minister says Europe needs to limit refugee influx -- Reuters
Germany expects up to 1.5 million asylum seekers in 2015, says report -- The Guardian
Germany expects 1.5 million asylum-seekers, report says -- Al Jazeera
Germany fears up to 1.5mn refugees to arrive in 2015, calls for limits on influx to EU -- RT

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