Saturday, October 17, 2015

Is The Japanese Military A 'Toothless Tiger'?

Japan's military was no match for Godzilla

BBC: Toothless tiger: Japan Self-Defence Forces

Asia military analyst Franz-Stefan Gady asks just how fighting fit are Japan's so-called Self-Defence Forces?

Japan's relationship with its armed forces was once a defining characteristic of the nation. Indeed, "Fukoku kyohei [Enrich the state, strengthen the military]" was the battle cry of the reformers who founded modern Japan during the so-called Meiji Restoration beginning in the 1860s.

In the first decades of the 20th Century, Japan, rather than a state with a military, the island nation slowly transformed into a military with a state - "one hundred million hearts beating as one", as a wartime propaganda slogan boasted.

That all changed after the World War Two.

WNU Editor: The Japanese military does have its limitations. But like the Chinese, I would never underestimate them.


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TWN said...

One cannot judge a military till after it's been in battle, the US is very good at shock and awe on a small backward country like Iraq, but how would it make out against, Russia, China or Japan. Tiny Vietnam fought the French, US and China and backed them off, who would have thought and the Afgans in time backed off the Soviets and it looks as if the have done so to the US led coalition, again who would have thought? Underestimating a countries ability to fight can be disastrous,North VS South 1861, Austria VS Serbia 1914, Germany VS The BEF 1914, Britain and France VS Germany 1940, Japan VS USA and British 1941, France VS Vietcong 1954, US VS Vietcong/Vietnam 1960's, in all these cases there was an underestimation of the Foe, that is dangerous.

fazman said...

Exactly!, all the glossy weapons manufacturers brochure mean nothing if you have a enemy who beleives in their cause rather than the usual illiterate third world armies that seem to be akl that the u.s is wiling to face.