Monday, October 5, 2015

Is This The Week That U.S. Policy On Syria Becomes More 'Clearer'?

The Hill: Syria showdown looms for Obama

The world is about to find out just how far President Obama will go to kick Bashar al-Assad out of Syria.

The White House has insisted for years that the strongman needs to step down, but so far he hasn’t budged.

Russia only complicated matters this week by launching airstrikes against the same rebels that the U.S. has supported to take Assad down.

Moscow’s decision to jump into the fray has upset the political calculations in Syria, and made the prospect of peace more elusive than ever.

WNU Editor: This Hill post tries to explain (and give cover) the White House's position on Syria .... it fails.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does the "The Hill" not realize their map of Daesh controlled territory in Syria is about a year old?