Monday, October 5, 2015

Poll: Russians Oppose Sending Troops To Syria

Radio Free Europe: Most Russians Oppose Sending Troops To Syria: Poll

MOSCOW -- More than two-thirds of Russians oppose sending troops to Syria to prop up President Bashar al-Assad's government, while a majority approve of Moscow's use of diplomatic and political channels to help its embattled ally in the Middle East, according to a respected independent pollster.

At a time when the Kremlin has been ramping up its military presence in Syria, its largest deployment outside the former Soviet Union in decades, the poll by the Levada Center found that only 14 percent of Russians believe Russia should provide "direct military support" for the Syrian government by sending in troops.

Update: ‘Putin Is Forever’: Vladimir Putin is celebrating his diplomatic triumph in New York. But not all Russians are thrilled. (Anna Nemtsova, Foreign Policy).

WNU Editor: In the past week I have talked to family and friends in Russia .... they are all Putin supporters, but on his decision to send military forces to Syria .... not one is supportive of this move.

1 comment:

RRH said...

Huuuuuhhhhhh... This is a tough one, but sometimes a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. That's leadership. I have a hard time believing that Putin is all sunshine and lollipops about this intervention either.

As for political/diplomatic options, the Kremlin tried that. There was no one listening.

Perhaps they'll listen now?