Saturday, October 17, 2015

President Obama Warns Russia Can't 'Bomb Way' To Peace In Syria (While Bombing Syria)

Radio Free Europe: Obama Warns Russia Can't 'Bomb Way' To Peace In Syria

U.S. President Barack Obama has warned Russian leaders that they cannot "bomb their way to a peaceful solution" in Syria.

Obama said on October 16 that there had been "no meeting of the minds in terms of strategy" with Russia, which this week staged major assaults on rebel strongholds in Aleppo and Homs in coordination with the Syrian Army and an estimated 2,000 Iranian troops.

Obama said Iran was "just doing more of what they have been doing for the last five years, as is Russia."

"Their basic theory on how to solve Syria has not worked."

WNU Editor: I always find it amazing how a politician can go to a podium .... and with a straight face accuse the other side of doing exactly what he is doing .... Senior al-Qaida commander killed in an airstrike in Syria (AP)


Bob Huntley said...

He is a politician and therefore an actor.

Jay Farquharson said...

WNU Editor,

Technically, Russia's not doing exactly the same thing the U.S. Is doing.

Russia has local and regional allies taking the fight to the jihadi headchoppers on the ground. The U.S. doesn't.

War News Updates Editor said...

true Jay. But I was just commenting in the bombing campaigns.

RRH said...

WNU Editor,

If he were really serious about knocking out ISIS he'd publically call on the Saudis, and the rest of the GCC to stop sending them supplies.

Unknown said...

"I always find it amazing how a politician can go to a podium .... and with a straight face accuse the other side of doing exactly what he is doing"

Obama is not a well man. He needs a psychiatist.

fazman said...

And you sure as hell cant talk your way to peace in syria either!
At leasts putins plan is in a language they understand. ,respect, and fear.
Obama knows that putin has once again made him look like a reactive fool.

Si-vis-pasen- said...

A fool is Wise don't think, the wise man knows Is a fool.....William Shakespeare.:-)

Si-vis-pasen- said...
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James said...

Obama's singing this tune lately: