Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Russian Military Satellite Manoeuvres Between Two Intelsat Satellites Raising Concerns In The U.S.

An Intelsat satellite: Two like these were approached by a Russian military satellite

Sputnik: US and Russia Bicker Over Satellite Positioning in Earth's Orbit

A Russian military satellite which positioned itself between two US Intelsat satellites did not put them in danger, according to a Russian space expert.

Ivan Moiseyev, head of Russia's Space Policy Institute, said "the possibility of a collision or some kind of interference is extremely small."

Intelsat said it had unsuccessfully tried to contact the operator of the Luch relay satellite.

"Despite direct and indirect inquiries by the appropriate regulatory bodies and governmental agencies, the operator of the other satellite was unresponsive," it said in a statement to the BBC.

Update: Russia shrugs off US anxiety over military satellite -- BBC

WNU Editor: This was first reported two weeks ago .... Russian Satellite Maneuvers, Silence Worry Intelsat (Space News)

1 comment:

James said...

"Despite direct and indirect inquiries by the appropriate regulatory bodies and governmental agencies, the operator of the other satellite was unresponsive," it said in a statement to the BBC."
Well that says it all. Putin is not 100% certain the US is a paper tiger, but he is all but saying it from the General Assembly podium. He's taken the US's measure politically and now he's doing it militarily.