Sunday, October 4, 2015

Turkey Issues Its Demands To Stop The Migration Crisis

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Wall Street Journal: Europe Needs Turkey’s Help on Migrants

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is expected to discuss his country’s role in alleviating Europe’s burden—and what it would get in return.

Turkey has become one of the keys to solving Europe’s migrant crisis, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan—who arrives in Brussels on Monday for talks with top European politicians on the issue—knows it.

But the options for getting the Turkish leader to help stem the flows of people through his country are few and complicated. Added to that, many European governments are reluctant to be seen as endorsing the Turkish leader ahead of his country’s general elections on Nov. 1.

Turkey is the main transit country for hundreds of thousands of people fleeing war and looking for a better life in Europe. More are on their way, both on sea and on land, where Turkey borders two European Union countries, Greece and Bulgaria.

WNU Editor: Turkish President Erdogan is not a friend or ally of Europe .... in fact .... his remarks that if his demands are not met will only result in more refugees flooding Europe is a clear threat .... and should be treated as such.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The WSJ has been following this Hitler wannabe from the time he transitioned from mayor of Istanbul to national politics.

It is like watching a decades (late 1990s) long train wreck in slow motion. Why U.S. congressional leaders and presidents do not know WTF they are doing with this guy is beyond me.

It bursts to read about it in national paper of record and to see national leaders basically do nothing except scratch their balls. What is the problem? they are not reading the WSJ (It is not perfect)? They are reading the wrong pubs? They are not reading? They are too busy politically knifing each other inside the Beltway? Too busy getting rich? How many Roman magnates handed over the deeds to their estates to a war chiefs backed by bands of armed men at the end of Empire? It seems as out intelligentsia and leaders have the myopia of banana republics.

Erdogan has a 17 year or longer record. Being Mayor of Istanbul is like being mayor of NYC. Meaning he was on the freaking radar.