Friday, October 9, 2015

U.S. To End Program To Train And Equip Syrian Rebels

New York Times: Obama Administration Ends Pentagon Program to Train Syrian Rebels

LONDON — The Obama administration has ended the Pentagon’s $500 million program to train and equip Syrian rebels, administration officials said on Friday, in an acknowledgment that the beleaguered program had failed to produce any kind of ground combat forces capable of taking on the Islamic State in Syria.

Pentagon officials were expected to officially announce the end of the program on Friday, as Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter leaves London after meetings with his British counterpart, Michael Fallon, about the continuing wars in Syria and Iraq.

WNU Editor: They threw in the towel. After all that PR, money, resources, and expectations raised .... an admission that this program and effort has been a total failure. In Moscow .... I can hear them laughing.

More News On The U.S. Ending Its Program To Train And Equip Syrian Rebels

Pentagon plans sharp scaledown in efforts to train Syrian rebels -- Washington Post
U.S. drops Pentagon program to train Syrian rebels: NYT -- Reuters
Pentagon head: US to change Syrian rebel training program -- AP
Pentagon Plans New Approach on Syria Rebel Training -- WSJ
Obama administration ending Syria rebel training program, official says -- FOX News
Pentagon Ending Program to Train, Equip Syria Rebels -- NBC
Combating The Islamic State: US Ends Anti-ISIS Syrian Rebel Training Program -- IBTimes
The White House just abandoned the big Syria rebel training program that Obama said he never wanted -- Business Insider

1 comment:

Jay Farquharson said...

WNU Editor,

Nope, the U.S. Programs of arming and training Al Quida continue.