Sunday, October 25, 2015

What Will Warships Look Like In Thirty Years?

FOX News: Futuristic warship design takes shape

What will warships look like in three decades? Meet the next-generation HMS Dreadnought.

The British Ministry of Defence and Royal Navy challenged young scientists and engineers to design a future warship and the results may surprise you. Defense procurement specialist Startpoint has released stunning images of what the futuristic ship could look like.

This cutting-edge ship concept has been dubbed Dreadnought 2050 in honor of the 1906 HMS Dreadnought, a Royal Naval battleship that eclipsed all other warships at the time.

WNU Editor: Fusion powered warships !?!?! It looks like a lot of imagination was employed in this design .... but the engineering is not there (yet).


Caecus said...

they forgot the photon torpedos

Anonymous said...

Personally I think the warships are going to have to conform to reality that the numbers are against them, I mean the ratio of defense vs attack cost are only increasing, So my quess would be smaller ships in larger networked flotillas, and propably a sigbificant increase in submersible ships