Thursday, November 5, 2015

Report: Rebels In Syria Using Chemical Weapons

Rebel fighters take positions at the frontline during what they said were clashes with Islamic State militants in the town of Marea in Aleppo's countryside October 3, 2014. Reuters/Rami Zayat

Reuters: Chemical weapons used by rebels in Syria: sources

Chemical weapons experts have determined that mustard gas was used in a Syrian town where Islamic State insurgents were battling another rebel group, according to a report by an international watchdog seen by Reuters.

A confidential Oct. 29 report by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), a summary of which was shown to Reuters, concluded "with the utmost confidence that at least two people were exposed to sulfur mustard" in the town of Marea, north of Aleppo, on Aug. 21.

"It is very likely that the effects of sulfur mustard resulted in the death of a baby," it said.

The findings provide the first official confirmation of use of sulfur mustard, commonly known as mustard gas, in Syria since it agreed to destroy its chemical weapons stockpile, which included sulfur mustard.

Update #1: Chemical weapons experts confirm Islamic State use of mustard gas in Syria -- The Telegraph
Update #2: Chemical weapons used in Syrian fighting -- SKY News

WNU Editor: This chemical weapon use occurred when a Syrian rebel group was battling the Islamic State for the Syrian town of Marea, north of Aleppo. There is no Syrian government fingerprint on this attack .... so one has to wonder where did these chemicals come from?


Jay Farquharson said...

Same place as the sarin and short ranged missiles used in the Syrian attacks,


bn said...

Cant you read WNU? Cant you understand the words?

Where in the text do you read that was the Rebels (Fsa, Nursa, Ahrar, etc) that used CW.

You and your propaganda, a must...

Putinesco will award you the medal of honor (pravda gold medal)

Jay Farquharson said...


Is the Wolfangle tattoo on your face still itchy?

Try using some Moisturizing cream mixed with a drop of two of peppermint oil, it will take the itch away, and you can finally stop scratching and let it heal up properly.

Si-vis-pasen- said...

Hey no need for comments out of place get of and find a job, and quit using Obama phone this blog is not for welfare recipients. Peace.

War News Updates Editor said...

And I was wondering only yesterday on where was Miguel LM?

RRH said...

He always manages to make a good argument for arctic hard labour re-education.

RRH said...

How dare you cast aspersions on our streadfast, devoted, beneficent NATO ally!

Seriously, I want their ambassador expelled (he can go on the same plane as the Saudis) over this crap.

RRH said...

Oh how I love the moderate rebels on Syria. They're so moderate.

James said...

These guys are dressed like they just stepped out of Vogue magazine. The guy on the left shoots like it too. The guy on the right has some kind of wire coming off of him I wonder what it is for?

RRH said...

Why those are our moderate rebels showcasing the latest fashions for the fall fighting season.

Note especially head chopper no.2. He features the Sergio Valente pink headscarf over brown on tan moo moo cow pullover. Kalishnikov and load bearing vest assessories are by Sultan Erdogan: Dress Up While Bringing Seculars Down. Hair by Bo Rics Raffah.

Chop chop number three is no less elegant in the vermillion doo rag by Wazzup Wahhabi with the ever so subtle Obamaphone earpiece accent from Cuzin' Rahim in Watts C/O QE4 Hit Da Seelin Syndicate.

James said...

Heh, pretty good again RRH!