Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Turkey And Russia Have Released Competing Maps On The Flight Paths Of Their Jets Before Russia's SU-24 Was Shot Down

(Click on Image to Enlarge)

(Click on Image to Enlarge)

Business Insider: War of the maps: Turkey released a map showing where Russia violated its airspace, and Russia countered

Turkey and Russia have released competing maps showing where a Russian warplane violated — or steered clear of, depending on the point of view — Turkish airspace before it was shot down early Tuesday.

Shortly after the jet was downed, the Turkish military published a radar map demonstrating the reported flight path of the jet it shot down, which Ankara is using as proof that the pilots violated the country's airspace:

The blue line is the Turkish border, and the red arrow is pointing to the spot at which the warplane reportedly entered Turkish airspace.

WNU Editor: What I found interesting about the maps is that the Turkish map shows their jet approaching the border .... and it stops there .... they erased the flight path on where the plane was going next. Hmmm .... you have to wonder if the Turkish jet entered Syrian airspace. As to the Russian map .... their definition of where the border runs is slightly different from the Turkish map. It's a small difference, but for high flying fast jets .... that small difference could mean being on one side of the border (or not).

Update: This is not going to help Turkey's case .... Russian jet hit inside Syria after incursion into Turkey: U.S. official (Reuters).


Anonymous said...

Well of course the Turkish jets entered the Syrian airspace. It's a no brainer.

Anonymous said...

Where is the rest of the f16s flight path?

James said...

Well one thing about it Russia has gotten Turkey to show it's radar readout (somewhat scrubbed) and Russia just shows some old atlas map.

Anonymous said...

Turkey presents maptoid from actual radar.
Russia presents map with hand drawn line on it, with convenient "roundabout" near Turkeys border, when the fighter has obviously flown straight.

I remember some story about Stalin to draw a railroad on map. He draw a straight line with liner, but where his thumb was, railroad takes a small roundabout.