Saturday, December 26, 2015

11 Chilling Predictions For What The World Will Look Like In 10 Years

Business Insider: Stratfor has 11 chilling predictions for what the world will look like in 10 years

Earlier this year, private intelligence firm Strategic Forecasting, or Stratfor, recently published its Decade Forecast in which it projects the next 10 years of global political and economic developments.

While international analysts often try their hand at predicting the major events of the coming year, Stratfor believes that it's identified the major trends of the next 10.

In many ways, Stratfor thinks the world a decade from now will be more dangerous place, with US power waning and other prominent countries experiencing a period of chaos and decline.

WNU editor: A Russia collapsing into mini-autonomous regions .... I just do not see that happening .... but political unrest .... especially after Putin .... that is a very real possibility. Same for China .... political instability and an unwillingness of the central government to reform may lead to dissent and repression. As for the other predictions .... check them out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very little mention of the demographic problems plaguing most Western nations and the cultural/economic conflicts that will inevitably occur. These predictions don't actually seem all that bad for the West. However, I feel and believe with the destruction of the family and some core fundamental beliefs the West we will be in serious trouble in less than 5 years. Forget Russia breaking apart, think of the US or even Canada based on a lack of identity and cohesiveness.