Wednesday, December 9, 2015

A Look At The Weapons That The Islamic State Has In Its Arsenal (Updated)

Mirror: ISIS show off TANKS and devastating hi-tech weapons looted from Iraqi army and bought from West

The militants showed off their military power as part of their slick PR campaign - but rarely use their armoured vehicles because they are an easy target

ISIS propagandists have released pictures of the sophisticated and devastating weapons it wields as part of its campaign of terror across the Middle East - including heavy TANKS.

The militants showed off their military power as part of their slick PR campaign - but fail to mention they rarely use their armoured vehicles because they are an easy target for the warplanes of Russia, America, Britain and France.

They were featured on Terrormonitor's Twitter feed and were reportedly taken during fighting at Deir Ezzor military airport.

Previous Post: Amnesty International: How Decades Of Selling Arms To Iraq Helped To Arm The Islamic State Of Today

More News On The Amnesty International's Report On How The Islamic State Gained The Arsenal That They Now Have

Amnesty: Most weapons used by IS were seized from Iraqi army -- AP
Amnesty report: ISIS armed with U.S. weapons -- CNN
Amnesty International Says Most IS Weapons Seized From Iraqi Army -- RFE
Amnesty: Islamic State Arms Mostly Seized From Iraq -- VOA
Where does ISIL get its weapons? -- Euronews
Amnesty Report Finds ISIS Is Armed With Weapons From U.S., Other Countries -- NPR
ISIS fuelled by reckless arms trade: Amnesty International -- RCI
Amnesty International: Decades of ‘Reckless Arms Trading’ Now Fuelling IS Atrocities -- Novinite
Isis benefits from Iraq awash with weapons -- The Guardian
Amnesty: Islamic State fuelled by 'reckless arms trading' -- BBC
Daesh’s rise to power linked to ‘irresponsible arms transfers’: Amnesty -- Al Bawaba
Armed to the teeth: Amnesty slams US & allies for weapons falling into ISIS’ hands -- RT
Daesh Arms Stolen From Iraqi Army Show Recklessness of Arms Trade in Iraq -- Sputnik
How ISIS Acquired Lethal Arsenal: Weapons Used By Islamic State Mostly Seized From Iraqi Military Stocks, Report Says -- IBTimes
Decades of reckless arms sales to Iraq provide ‘bonanza’ for Daesh: report -- Rudaw
Islamic State Atrocities Fueled by Decades of Reckless Arms Trading -- Amnesty International
How Islamic State got its weapons -- Amnesty International

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