Friday, December 18, 2015

B-52 Bomber Accidentally Flies Within 2 Miles Of A Chinese Reclaimed Island And Military Base In The South China Sea

B-52 Stratofortress. Boeing

Business Insider: The US accidentally flew a B-52 bomber over territory claimed by China

Last week, a US B-52 bomber accidentally flew over Chinese-claimed territory in the South China Sea, The Wall Street Journal reports.

During the fly over, which was part of routine US missions in the region, one of the bombers accidentally flew within 2 nautical miles of the Cuarteron Reef, which China has been artificially expanding.

The incident led the Chinese to file a formal complaint with the US through the US Embassy.

Update #1: U.S. Bomber Flies Over Waters Claimed by China -- WSJ
Update #2: China complains about B-52 flight -- USA Today

WNU Editor: Talk about timing (or not) .... this should happen while China is conducting major military exercises this week in the region .... China carries out war games in South China Sea this week (Reuters).


RRH said...

Oops!! Another "accident". You'd think it was a doctrine or something.

oldfatslow said...
