Friday, December 18, 2015

Canadian Forces Involved In Repelling Recent Major Attack By The Islamic State

CBC: Canadian forces strike back against ISIS offensive in northern Iraq

No Canadian casualties reported after involvement in responding to lengthy ISIS offensive

A contingent of Canada's elite commandos were thrown into a day-long battle alongside Kurdish Peshmerga fighters as the Islamic State launched its biggest offensive in Iraq since western troops arrived in the region 18 months ago.

A three-pronged assault, involving hundreds of extremists, took place along a wide front in the sector, northwest of the Kurdish capital of Irbil, where Canadian special forces have been training local forces.

More News On Canadian Forces Assisting In Repelling A Major Islamic State Attack In Northern Iraq

Canadian special forces stand their ground with Kurds -- Macleans
Canadian special forces help fight off 'significant' ISIL attack in Iraq -- Ottawa Citizen
Canadian warplanes help blunt major Islamic State attack in northern Iraq -- Globe and Mail/Canadian Press
Canada’s biggest test yet: CF-18s, special forces help fight off massive ISIL surprise attack -- National Post/Postmedia News
Canadian soldiers help repel ISIS attack -- Toronto Star
Canadian Special Forces in Firefight With Islamic State Attackers Near Mosul -- VICE News
Canadian forces help Peshmerga repel ISIS attack -- Rudaw


RRH said...

Warplanes my a$$.

Those dumb Wahhabis attacked during a social. The boys filled the beer fridge full of empties,lashed it up to a Chinook and dropped it on 'em.

The Canadian cluster bomb.

Works every time.

War News Updates Editor said...

RRH .... I now know without question that you are a true Canadian. A true Canadian will never throw a full can of beer at the enemy .... it will always be an empty.