Wednesday, December 9, 2015

How Many Muslims Are Serving In The U.S. Military?

ABC News: More than 5,000 Muslims Serving in US Military, Pentagon Says

Despite recent rhetoric against the fastest-growing religion in the world, Islam has contributed a great deal to the U.S., including in the military, Defense Department figures show.

Muslims have played an essential part in guarding the homeland and fighting for its interests in war-torn countries the world over, fighting in all major U.S. wars, including the Civil War, World War I, World War II and the Vietnam War, according to military officials. More recently, Muslims have also served in the Gulf War, Iraq War and the war in Afghanistan.

WNU Editor: I expected a higher number.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I challenge any statistically significant number of muslims fighting in our wars before Vietnam. And most have been African-Americans who converted.