Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Iraq Begins Its Long-Awaited Offensive To Retake Ramadi

CNN: Iraqi military: Iraqi forces retake 60% of Ramadi from ISIS

(CNN) — More than half of Ramadi – the Iraqi city whose sudden fall to ISIS raised questions about Baghdad's ability to combat the terror group – is now back in Iraqi control after a big push early this week, the country's military said.

The inroads came after Iraqi troops, counterterrorism unit members and federal police officers targeted ISIS militants from three sides in a 24-hour period, aided by U.S.-led airstrikes.

Iraq's Joint Military Command reported 60 percent of the Anbar province city had been retaken, including a one-time Iraqi military headquarters in northern Ramadi, as well as western and southern parts of the city.

Dozens of ISIS fighters died in the operation, according to the military, though the number of Iraqi casualties (if any) wasn't immediately clear. Iraqi troops also managed to confiscate a large amount of weaponry.

More News On Iraq's Military Offensive To Retake The City Of Ramadi

Iraqi Forces Seize Neighborhood on Outskirts of IS-Held City -- AP
Iraqi troops close in on Ramadi, retake army headquarters -- Washington Post
Iraqi forces seize large part of Ramadi from IS -- DW
Iraq Forces Claim Breakthrough Against Islamic State in Ramadi -- Bloomberg
Iraq forces retake large part of key city Ramadi from IS -- AFP
IS conflict: Iraqi forces 'retake key Ramadi district' -- BBC
Iraqi troops evict Islamic State from key district in western Ramadi -- UPI
ISIS loses ground: Iraq military recaptures neighborhood outside Ramadi -- FOX News
Iraqi Troops Retake IS-held Ramadi Neighborhood -- VOA
Iraq says large parts of Ramadi recaptured from Daesh -- Rudaw
U.S. Trained Iraqi Forces Move Closer To Taking Ramadi Back From ISIS, But Pentagon Says Victory Still Months Away -- IBTimes

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