Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Islamic State Is Now Inspiring And Coordinating Attacks Against The West

New York Times: Recent Attacks Demonstrate Islamic State’s Ability to Both Inspire and Coordinate Terror

Ability to Both Inspire and Coordinate Terror.

In San Bernardino, Calif., a woman posted her “bayat,” or oath of allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, on a Facebook page moments before she and her husband opened fire in a conference room, killing 14 people.

The couple does not appear to have been directed by the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, but seems to have been inspired by the group, following instructions issued this year for supporters to attack Western targets on their own.

But just weeks ago, ISIS demonstrated a significant leap in its ability to coordinate operations against the West when it directed two major attacks that killed hundreds: an assault across Paris and the downing of a Russian passenger jet in Egypt.

WNU Editor: A lot of these early attacks were done by individuals who were inspired by the Islamic State's call for attacks against Western targets .... and when these attacks occurred .... ISIS made sure that they were positioned to then take credit for them. But this is now evolving .... it appears in the case of Paris and in the downing of a Russian passenger jet that ISIS is now directing attacks, and absent a strategy on stopping them ASAP, one can only then suspect that these attacks are going to intensify with time.

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