Monday, December 7, 2015

Leaked Islamic State Documents Reveal Their Attempts To Build A State Based On Islamic Fundamentalism

The leaked Islamic State document sets out a blueprint for a building a state. The Guardian

Daily Mail: ISIS Inc: Extraordinary documents show terror group's masterplan for world domination

* Leaked ISIS documents have revealed an astonishing level of bureaucracy
* ISIS has created departments for health, education and its economy
* It reveals the effort made to turn the territory under its control into a state
* An overarching administration memo reveals the need for a constitution
* It also reveals three types of military camps for children and adult fighters
* One of these is a 15-day 'refresher' course designed for hardened veterans

Leaked internal documents have revealed ISIS has created staggeringly sophisticated levels of administration in a bid to turn its self-declared caliphate into a legitimate state.

The terrorists have created departments to administer over the health, education and the treasury sectors, while it also holds 15-day annual refresher courses for its veteran soldiers.

The majority of the revelations come in a 24-page memo, shown to The Guardian, which was published in the months after the group announced its caliphate in mid-2014.

WNU Editor: If you can read Arabic, the ISIS documents are here.

More News On Recent Leaked Islamic State Documents

The Isis papers: behind 'death cult' image lies a methodical bureaucracy -- The Guardian
The Isis papers: leaked documents show how Isis is building its state -- The Guardian
How ISIS Governs Its Caliphate: Leaked Islamic State Document Reveals Blueprint For State-Building With Religious Fundamentalism -- IBTimes
Leaked ISIS Governance Documents Published by U.K. Newspaper -- Haaretz
Not Just a Bunch of Killers, Islamic State Is a Methodical, Public-Minded Bureaucracy -- Truthdig

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Step 1: Walk in and take the army of Hummers, heavy artillery and other equipment left behind in Iraq. Step 2: Grab up hordes of US trained soldiers and rebels and secure the countries' oil infrastructure. Step 3: Franchise your brand name to other terror groups around the world. Step 4: Grab up more US equio, US trained rebels and oil infrastructure in Syria. Step 5: Wait for IS's enemies to turn on each other.