Friday, December 25, 2015

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 25, 2015

CNN: Russia, Taliban share intelligence in fight against ISIS

Washington (CNN)Russian President Vladimir Putin is turning to an old enemy -- the Taliban -- to share intelligence as the number of ISIS fighters grow in regional neighbor Afghanistan.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said the contact between Moscow and the Afghan Taliban only involves intelligence-sharing and information exchange regarding the fight against ISIS.

Why would Putin put himself in a risky spot by working with the Taliban? He's aligning himself with the enemy of his enemy.

A U.S. commander last month told Congress that ISIS has gained strength in Afghanistan in recent months, with as many as 3,000 fighters there.

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 25, 2015

Afghan Taliban deny contacts with Russia against Islamic State -- Express Tribune

Losses and gains in the battle to oust ISIL from key cities in Syria and Iraq -- Euronews

Coalition: Air Force B-1 bombers being used in Ramadi offensive -- The Hill

Russia significantly strengthens military potential - media -- TASS

Russia to Replace 2 Anti-Aircraft Artillery With New 57 Caliber Systems -- Sputnik

Russian ICBMs Can 'Outwit' NATO Missile Shield -- Sputnik

Military cooperation back on agenda as Turkey, Israel talk -- Today's Zaman

Turkey says it will buy military systems from Israel -- Times of Israel

More Christian-Arab Israelis Enlisting in Israeli Military Than Ever Before -- JPUpdates

PM Modi’s Russia visit: New, cheaper deal on Sukhoi fighter planes -- Indian Express

China to open its first naval base in Africa -- Al Jazeera

China's bomber flight into central Pacific: Wake-Up call for the U.S. -- Dean Cheng, War On The Rocks

Should the Falklands be scared? Argentine military to be ‘BEEFED UP’ under new president -- Express

NSA helped GCHQ spies hack Juniper firewalls – Snowden leak -- RT

Former CIA chief's rendition sentence reduced in Italy -- BBC

Japan cabinet approves record military budget aiming at tighter spying co-op with US -- RT

Okinawa sues Tokyo in bid to stop US base relocation -- AP

Watch the Navy's new $1.8 billion destroyer hit the water -- Fiscal Times

Northrop wins $93 million deal to build drone for smaller warships -- Reuters

Rogue toy drones are interfering with military operations -- Washington Post

As military handles drone strikes, less scrutiny by Congress -- AP

Snowden leaks – NSA helped GCHQ spies find vulnerabilities in Juniper firewalls -- Tech Worm

It doesn't matter if the NSA planted the Juniper backdoor -- The Verge

Bergdahl controversy reignites -- The Hill

Bergdahl: Taliban asked me if Obama is gay -- New York Post

SEAL: How a Failed Mission to Rescue Bergdahl Caused Irreparable Loss -- and Stripes

Some military discharges mean no benefits after service ends -- AP

Four steps the Department Of Defense can take to fix its broken personnel system -- Rob Albritton, War On The Rocks

Designing a Navy for the Twenty-First Century -- James Holmes, National Interest

Evolution of U.S. military -- George Petras, USA TODAY

Why USAF Is Overdue for Reorganization -- DeFacks-Mamm, Foreign Policy

The battle over Sangin should teach the west some vital military lessons -- Jonathan Shaw, The Guardian

8 surprising ways vets are helping vets -- Army Times

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