Tuesday, December 8, 2015

New Clinton Emails Reveal That The Pentagon Had Troops Ready To Respond To The Siege Of The U.S. Consulate In Benghazi

A protester reacts as the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi is seen in flames during a protest by an armed group said to have been protesting a film being produced in the United States September 11, 2012. Esam Omran Al-Fetori/Reuters

FOX News: 'Spinning up as we speak': Email shows Pentagon was ready to roll as Benghazi attack occurred

As the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi was unfolding, a high-ranking Pentagon official urgently messaged Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s top deputies to offer military help, according to an email obtained by Judicial Watch.

The revelation appears to contradict testimony Defense Secretary Leon Panetta gave lawmakers in 2013, when he said there was no time to get forces to the scene in Libya, where four Americans were killed, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens.

“I just tried you on the phone but you were all in with S [apparent reference to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton],” reads the email, from Panetta’s chief of staff Jeremy Bash. “After consulting with General Dempsey, General Ham and the Joint Staff, we have identified the forces that could move to Benghazi. They are spinning up as we speak.”

Update #1: Disclosed: Email Shows Pentagon Offered ‘Forces that Could Move to Benghazi’ Immediately -- Washington Free Beacon
Update #2: New Clinton Email Shows Pentagon Had Forces Ready To Respond To Benghazi Attack -- Daily Caller
Update #3: Emails suggest Pentagon had troops ready during Benghazi seige -- Washington Examiner

WNU Editor: If true .... this contradicts what Pentagon and White House officials have been saying for years .... that U.S. troops were not available to send to Benghazi at the time.

1 comment:

Si-vis-pasen- said...

People know about this in America it has been know in the alternative media outlets .Drudge report ,prison planet ,infowar. To name some of them .
The Clinton's have many skeletons in the closet.