Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Pentagon: Donald Trump's Call For A Moratorium On Muslim Immigration Will Aid The Islamic State

VOA/Reuters: Anti-Muslim Rhetoric Undermines US Security, Pentagon Says

The Pentagon warned on Tuesday against fueling the Islamic State's narrative of a U.S. war with Islam, in a swipe at rhetoric by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump that has triggered outrage around the world.

Trump, the Republican front-runner for the November 2016 presidential election, has proposed banning Muslims from entering the United States. On Tuesday, he compared his plan to the World War II detainment of Japanese-Americans.

WNU Editor: Here is an easy prediction .... this debate is just startiong.

More News On The Pentagon's Criticism On Donald Trump's Call For A Moratorium On Muslim Immigration

Pentagon: Trump’s Muslim ban call 'endangers US security' -- BBC
Pentagon blasts rhetoric like Trump's that 'bolsters the ISIL narrative' -- Politico
Trump's Statements About Muslims Hurt Fight against ISIS: Pentagon --
Overnight Defense: Pentagon rebuffs Trump's ban on Muslims -- The Hill
Pentagon: Banning Muslims could hurt national security -- Washington Examiner

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