Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Pentagon Leaders And Government Terrorism Advisers Leery Of Escalating The War Against The Islamic State

Bryan Bender, Politico: Reckless onslaught could aid ISIL, military warns

The cries for more robust military action against the Islamic State are growing louder. But Pentagon leaders and government terrorism advisers worry that escalation could also bolster terrorist ranks.

Presidential candidates and hawkish members of Congress are stepping up their cries for more robust military action against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant — but Pentagon leaders and government terrorism advisers caution that a reckless escalation of the war could help the group recruit disaffected Muslims around the world.

The quandary has heightened since last week’s deadly shootings in San Bernardino, Calif., which called attention to the danger posed by ISIL sympathizers who become self-radicalized to commit violence in the West. It’s one reason that the U.S. and its allies held back from bombing the Islamic State’s headquarters in the Syrian city of Raqqa, and why President Barack Obama warned on Sunday night that military overreach could lead to ISIL "using our presence to draw new recruits."

WNU Editor: The problem with these unnamed Pentagon leaders and government terrorism experts is that the current strategy and policy is not working either .... Report: In 18 months, number of foreign fighters in Syria, Iraq doubled (The Week).

1 comment:

H.O.S.T. 7734 said...

If I told you what the real problem was you would just scorn it anyway. This war will not be taken seriously until multitudes are killed here on the North American soil. The Pentagon is to domesticated and hindered by a President that has no will to fight these terrorist.