Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Russia Has Positioned 10 Military Satellites Over Syria To Coordinate And Manage Its War Effort

Defence ministry officials sit under screens with satellite images on display during a briefing in Moscow, Russia, December 2, 2015. REUTERS/SERGEI KARPUKHIN

David Axe, Daily Beast: Russia Is Using Space Power in Its Attack on Syria

Vladimir Putin’s military is unveiling a new arsenal in its battle with ISIS and other insurgents in Syria. Much of that new military hardware is hundreds of miles above Earth.

Russia’s two-month-old military intervention in Syria on behalf of the embattled regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has involved dramatic, and highly visible, strikes by high-tech jet fighters, lumbering heavy bombers, powerful ground-based artillery, and even ships and submarines launching missiles over long distances.

Less visible but no less impressive has been Russia’s mobilization in Earth’s orbit. Moscow claimed it has positioned 10 satellites—representing more than 10 percent of Russia’s space arsenal—over Syria to map terrain, spot targets and gather other intelligence, and relay radio signals between far-flung ground, air, and sea forces.

WNU Editor: This is a fascinating read. I also suspect that the U.S. has positioned just as many (if not more) over this war-zone.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is nothing new for Russia or the U.S.

Russian advisors and satellites enabled the Vietnamese to not get mauled by China at Lang Son. Vietnam still lost at Lang Sson, but it was not as crippling as it would have been if they had taken the bait.