Sunday, December 27, 2015

Russian Defense Ministry Releases A Rare Video Of An Anti-Air Tor-M2U Missile Firing While On The Move

RT: Mighty missiles: Russian Tor-M2U SAM fires from moving launcher (RARE VIDEO)

The Russian Defense Ministry has released rare footage of a Tor-M2U surface-to-air missile launcher firing on the move, a feat as yet unachieved by any competitor.

The launcher was driving off-road at 25 kpm/h and successfully hit a Saman practice target with the first missile fired, the ministry said. The test was performed this summer at Kapustin Yar test range in Arkhangelsk region.

Various models of the Tor short-range air defense system have been used by Russian Ground Troops, the service arm corresponding to the US Army in the Russian armed forces, for decades.

WNU Editor: I am old enough to even remember when even mentioning and/or hinting of such projects would mean immediate arrest and the probability of a very long prison sentence. Today .... it is all about bragging rights, promotion, and to get foreign sales.

1 comment:

Jay Farquharson said...

WNU Editor,

IMHO, a large number of these "leaks", presentations and displays, are a form of "messaging",

A means of "reminding" some, that Russia is not some hollow vessel as easily crushed as Saddam's Iraq was.