Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Russia's Next 5 Big Moves In Syria

A Su-24 tactical bomber of the Russian air forces © Dmitriy Vinogradov / Sputnik

Robert Farley, National Interest: Russia's 5 Next Big Moves in Syria

As Russia's commitment escalates, expect to see these additions to the battlefield in the coming days and weeks.

Russia formally intervened in the Syrian Civil War a little more than a month ago. Since then, the Russians have established a reputation for high sortie rates and inaccurate bombing, and a penchant for attacking anyone but the Islamic State. Russian and Syrian forces have made some progress in coordinated offensives against rebel positions, but the going remains slow.

It’s difficult to avoid the feeling that Russia and the Assad regime are simply treading water, trying to maintain what they hold instead of making serious inroads against either ISIS or the “moderate” Syrian rebel factions. Russia’s major losses thus far include a civilian jetliner, destroyed by an ISIS bomb, and a Su-24 Fencer, shot down by Turkish F-16s. Syrian government forces have lost numerous ground combat vehicles in attacks against well-armed, prepared rebel factions.

WNU Editor: No surprises here .... but I would add this weapon system .... Russia Rolls Out Big Guns To Syria’s Front Line (Value Walk).

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