Saturday, December 26, 2015

The Islamic State Is Focused On President Obama And Not On Donald Trump

An ISIS propaganda video shows President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and Secretary of State John Kerry.

Business Insider: ISIS propaganda expert: The group 'talks about Obama more' than Donald Trump

During the Saturday-night debate on ABC News, Democratic front-runner frontrunner Hillary Clinton claimed that ISIS is showing people videos of Donald Trump "in order to recruit more radical jihadists."

She then dubbed Trump, the Republican presidential frontrunner, "ISIS' best recruiter."

Pundits debated the claim all weekend, and several fact-checkers ruled that there's no evidence to back up Clinton's claim about the terrorist group. And one ISIS propaganda expert told Business Insider that the group actually talks about President Barack Obama more than Trump.

WNU Editor: I have been following the Islamic State since the beginning .... their focus (in their propaganda and news releases) is NOT on Donald Trump. In fact .... I would be surprised if some ISIS fighters have a clue on who Donald Trump is. Their focus is on President Obama ... after-all .... he is the President of the United States. As to what are they discussing when President Obama's name comes up .... we got a glimpse of that this week from Bowe Bergdahl (albeit from the Taliban) .... Bergdahl: Taliban asked me if Obama is gay (New York Post).


Jay Farquharson said...

WNU Editor,

Tip for you:

Anonymous said...

I agree with WNU editor, President Obama represents to Daesh, the epitome of leadership and power of the Western World.

But, at the same time, I also see the accuracy of what Hellcat Hillary Clinton says about Trump.

The Republicans and Trump as their Presidential campaign leader, represent the 'Tip Of The Spear', in crazy, racist, unthoughtful, macho and immature thinking. In all thinking people, whether our domestic electorate, allied nations, our large or small perceived and real enemy and the foaming with hate Islamist radicals. We all wonder if America, the Land and the ideal some of us love, has reached a new level of crazy and slothful thinking. Trump does represent that reality in the shallowness of the Ameican electorate and the excessive nationalistic rumblings. So thank you Donald and you can be sure as soon as those Daesh thugs get wind of Mr. Trump, he will be just what they need to get their hate juices flowing.

Hillary, the other Republican candidates and their lackeys, about anyone who hopes for the survival of the spirit of American exceptionalism know the Donald Trump phenomenon and rapid dumbing down of the American intellect and planetary perspective, will end hope for the continuation of such. This plays into our economic and military opponents hand. Daesh, China, Russia, North Kores, and all who hate the USA are hoping and believe we have fallen so low as to consider a Donald Trump or a facsimile thereof in the person of any Republican. We have successfully gummed up our Houses of Congress on our own. The last card to fall would be a Trump in the White House. Congratulations to us.

War News Updates Editor said...

Thank you for the link Jay.

chrimbus said...

anon - whats interesting is your failure to see a real life anti-american exceptionalist at work in that of pres. obama and the current administration that is fundamentally changing how america operates. not too mention all the establishment gop candidates as well as the entire democratic camp struggling to keep the deconstruction and non-partisan executive power-mongering alive.

trump is an easy target and a clear wild card candidate (captain obvious), but siding with hillary an claiming any sort of 'accuracy' in her narrative exposes your position as one that doesn't get out from under the heavy rug that is dc media.

it should also be noted: nazis and the axis powers hated churchill for exposing and ripping apart fascist nazi ideology in his many speeches that provided europeans just the hope they needed to stand and fight evil. im sure those nazi sympathizers felt as you feel now. merry christmas