Saturday, December 19, 2015

The RAND Corporation's Strategic Guide On How To Contend With A New Global Order

WNU Editor: The RAND Corp. report/study is here.


RRH said...

It is difficult to take seriously a report that begins with repeating the false narrative that Russia invaded and annexed Crimea, much less un-provoked.

Carrying on about the under-funded "defence" budget, while out and out ignoring some $18 trillion in debt also makes for difficult digestion.

While there is a glimmer of hope that some people in Thinktankland are coming to the realization that things are changing, they are still loathe to admit that the U.S. can not afford to take on the role(S) that they promote for it. This reluctance to accept reality may have as much or more to do with the parallel nature of their careers and America's decline. De nile, as they say, is not just a river in Egypt.

"If America doesn't lead, no one else can"?

A slogan does not a fact make. Others can, do, and will, lead. This is part of the issue the people at RAND and elsewhere are having. Their "universal truths" aren't withstanding the test of history. The world is passing them by. Obsolescence, irreleva nce and dismissal are staring them and the whole edifice they've built their lives on.

Too bad for them.

They should get a trade.

There are graveyards filled with indispensable people. Just as history is filled with indispensable empires.

Si-vis-pasen- said...

The answer to 1984 is 1776 :-)

TWN said...

What we will see is a number of regional Hegemonic Powers, The US, China, Russia, I think Orwell may have been right.