Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Turkey's Role In Europe's Migration Crisis

Gregg Roman and Gary C. Gambill, The Hill: Turkey’s human wave assault on the West

For months, Western policymakers have agonized over what to do with the masses of Sunni Muslim migrants flooding Europe by the boatload, particularly Syrians. Largely missing from this discussion is the question of why this flood is happening.

For starters, it doesn’t have much to do directly with the civil war in Syria or the rise of ISIS. The vast majority of the 886,662 migrants who illegally entered Europe this year embarked from Turkey, a little over half of them Syrians who took shelter in the country over the past four years. “EU officials have said … Ankara was very effective in previous years in preventing the outflow of refugees from the country,” according to the Wall Street Journal.

WNU Editor: A must read commentary.

Update: Apparently the refugee crisis also serves the Islamic State's agenda .... Refugees and the Islamic State's colonization strategy (Jeffrey Bristol).

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