Friday, December 25, 2015

UK Report: Muslim Brotherhood Members Must Be Considered Potential Extremists

The Independent: David Cameron: Muslim Brotherhood members must be considered potential extremists but group should not be banned

Prime Minister finally publishes conclusions from long-awaited report into Muslim Brotherhood

David Cameron has said members of Muslim Brotherhood should be considered as potential extremists but stopped short of banning the group as he set out the conclusions of the long-awaited government report on the organisation.

The group, which played a central role in Egypt’s 2011 revolution, is considered a terrorist organisation by a number of countries but in others it has played a peaceful role in democratic elections.

Mr Cameron’s report concludes that it has a "highly ambiguous relationship with violent extremism" and parts of the organisation flies in the face of core British values.

WNU Editor: The declassified portions of this report are here. This UK condemnation of the Muslim Brotherhood is a clear break from the White House's position on the Muslim Brotherhood .... UK condemns Muslim Brotherhood in break from Obama administration (FOX News).

More News on The U.K. Report On The Muslim Brotherhood

UK review says Muslim Brotherhood membership a possible indicator of extremism -- Reuters
Muslim Brotherhood are possible extremists, David Cameron says -- The Guardian
Cameron stops short of banning Muslim Brotherhood -- Financial Times
Muslim Brotherhood will NOT be banned, David Cameron rules despite finding group has a 'highly ambiguous' relationship with violent extremism -- Daily Mail
UK will not ban Muslim Brotherhood, says David Cameron -- BBC
UK intelligence had warned against 'fruitless' probe of Muslim Brotherhood -- Middle East Eye
Muslim Brotherhood review: a bad idea from the start -- Ian Black, The Guardian
Egypt welcomes UK Muslim Brotherhood review -- Ahram Online

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obama's (and the dc media's)favorite pro-islam weapon of choice here in the states: CAIR (counsel on american islamic relations) happens to be founded by none other than, the muslim brotherhood.
It is wise for the Europeans to finally get to the root of the problem which is not a policy of appeasement (which has clearly failed in europe) but rather an approach that must recognize the core ideological foundations of radical islam as being a hostile encroachment on the rights of free people worldwide.