Friday, December 18, 2015

U.S. Air Strike Accidentally Kills Scores Of Iraqi Soldiers (Updated)

RT: VIDEO emerges purporting to show deadly US airstrike against Iraqi forces

An unverified video, which allegedly shows a deadly air-strike by the US Air Force against Iraqi government troops, has emerged.

The unconfirmed footage was obtained from a local source in Iraq by RT’s Ruptly video agency.

A high-ranking Iraqi MP told Sputnik news agency earlier that over 30 Iraqi soldiers had been killed and 20 injured in an air-strike carried out by the US military.

Previous Post: Iraq Government Claim: 30 Iraqi Soldiers Killed In US Air Force Strike, 20 Others Injured

More News On Reports That A U.S. Air Strike Killed Scores Of Iraqi Soldiers

Iraq says US coalition airstrike kills or wounds 10 soldiers -- The Guardian/AFP
Iraqi Army Hit by Airstrike Allegedly From U.S.-Led Coalition -- WSJ
Iraq: U.S. Bombed Our Troops -- Washington Post

WNU Editor: The Pentagon is no longer denying this report .... they are now saying that they will "investigate it".


Unknown said...

Okay 30 people died. That is a bad thing.

It could be the pilot's fault. It could be the person, who called in the strike, fault. I've read that if you call in a strike, you own it. So if you give them bad coordinates, you are the online not the pilot. Who called in the strike and did they do it properly.

Regardless of fault, I have yet to see a "perfect" war. There is always collateral damage and friendly fire casualties. So before people get their dander up, we need to wait for more news.

fazman said...

Unfortunately it allways seems to involve u.s pilots and forward observers.

Jay Farquharson said...

Sadly Anzino,

Most Shia and Sunni Iraqi's already believe that the U.S. created, armed and run's ISIS, so this incident will just go down in the list of "evidence" to support that narrative.

Unknown said...

There's a book called "Robert's Ridge" or something about the War in Afghanistan. The U.S. lost 2 twin blade helos to enemy fire. Some spec ops went up the mountain to rescue the survivors of the 1st chopper. I only learned 3 things from reading the book. It seemed to be a lot of rinse repeat die.

One of those things is what a spec ops guy related. He was going to tell a pilot. to bomb 200 meters from his coordinates. He did not want to do the math. He was tired. Then he thought better of it and did the math because he wanted to live. He didn't blame the pilots. They have a lot going on, but he was sure that way too often they make mistakes. From a psychological point of view I don't think you get get 99.9% perfection no matter how carefully you pick and train people.

As much psychology and engineering that I have had, I think these critics are out of their depth. I am looking at it forma deterministic, probabilistic point of view and not a free will point of view. From that point of view I think the critics are full of it.